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Public History Seminar

Introduction to the idea, preparation, and options in the career of public history.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Provide field experience in public history.

  2. Develop skills in public history practice including grant writing, project planning, and project development.

  3. Develop professional skills necessary for public history practice collaboration, teamwork skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, both in writing and orally sharing authority.

  4. Gain experience in negotiating challenging issues in public history practice.

  5. Provide opportunities for professional development in the history field.

  6. Identify the types of employment in the field of public history.

  7. Prepare a professional resume and digital portfolio.

  8. Participate in discussions about work culture and expectations.

Book List

How the Word is Passed was my favorite read of this class because it was written like an ethnography, how anthropologists write about people and their cultures.  

Class Assignments

Three Essays on critical issues in Public History

Georgia Humanities Mock Grant Proposal and Executive Summary

Virtual Study Abroad Project

Reflection Essay


What I discovered while taking the class.



To comprehend what Public History is and how to have a career in the field

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