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Historical Methods & Writing

Understanding and applying the process of writing at the graduate level. This class is utilized to write a chapter of a thesis or work on the spotlight essay or spotlight project for graduation.

Writing Process

Each assignment is a stepping stone to complete the large scale paper. The goal at the end of the class is to produce a 15 page research paper and a revised 7 page paper through editing the 15 page paper. 

Statement of Question

What is my research question?

Thesis Statement

The main point or idea of the paper.

Historiographical Section

How was the topic studied over time? Do authors reference each other?

Fifteen Page Paper

Final 15 page paper


The sources for the paper.

Seven Page Paper

Revised 7 page paper from the final 15 page paper.


What I discovered while taking the class.

Lined Notebook


Understand the research and writing methods.

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